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22 octobre 2011 6 22 /10 /octobre /2011 09:53

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Historical Metallurgy Society (HMS) Research in Progress 2011
Wednesday the 9th November, 2011
Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield

This meeting is aimed at a wide variety of contributors, from historical and archaeological metallurgists to excavators, historians and economists. If you are working, or have just finished working, on a project related to archaeological or historical metallurgy, we would like to hear from you. We are particularly interested in bringing together contract and public sector archaeologists with academic researchers, and in fostering links between the different disciplines studying metallurgy and related activities. Whether you are a student, a researcher, an interested non-specialist, or a professional excavator, we invite you to meet others working in this field and present your research to an interested community.

Proposals for 10-15 minute oral papers are welcomed from anyone undertaking work in any area of ancient, historical, or industrial metallurgy, and from other researchers whose focus is of relevance to this subject.

Titles and 300 word abstracts should reach the organisers at hms.rip2011@gmail.com by Monday 26th September.

Registration forms and conference details can be found on the conference website (http://hist-met.org/hmsrip2011.html). The cost will be £15 for HMS Members and £20 for non-members, and is inclusive of coffee and lunch.

General enquiries and abstracts can be directed to hms.rip2011@gmail.com .

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5 octobre 2011 3 05 /10 /octobre /2011 05:35

The Connected Past: people, networks and complexity in archaeology and history


University of Southampton 24-25 March 2012



Organisers: Tom Brughmans, Anna Collar, Fiona Coward


Confirmed keynote speakers: Professor Carl Knappett and Professor Alex Bentley

Over the past decade ‘network’ has become a buzz-word in many disciplines across the humanities and sciences. Researchers in archaeology and history in particular are increasingly exploring network-based theory and methodologies drawn from complex network models as a means of understanding dynamic social relationships in the past, as well as technical relationships in their data. This conference aims to provide a platform for pioneering, multidisciplinary, collaborative work by researchers working to develop network approaches and their application to the past.

The conference will be held over two days immediately preceding the CAA conference (Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology), also hosted by the University of Southampton ( http://caa2012.org




The conference aims to:

·       provide a forum for the presentation of multidisciplinary network-based research

·       discuss the practicalities and implications of applying network perspectives and methodologies to archaeological and historical data in particular

·       establish a group of researchers interested in the potential of network approaches for archaeology and history

·       foster cross-disciplinary dialogue and collaborative work towards integrated analytical frameworks for understanding complex networks

·       stimulate debate about the application of network theory and analysis within archaeology and history in particular, but also more widely, highlight the relevance of this work for the continued development of network theory in other disciplines


We welcome contributions addressing any of (but not restricted to) the following themes:

·      The diffusion of innovations, people and objects in the past

·      Social network analysis in archaeology and history

·      The dynamics between physical and relational space

·      Evolving and multiplex networks

·      Quantitative network techniques and the use of computers to aid analysis

·      Emergent properties in complex networks

·      Agency, structuration and complexity in network approaches

·      Agent-based modelling and complex networks

·      Future directions for network approaches in archaeology and history


Please email proposed titles and abstracts (max. 250 words) to:

connectedpast@soton.ac.uk by November 20th 2011.

Visit the conference website for more information: http://connectedpast.soton.ac.uk/

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5 octobre 2011 3 05 /10 /octobre /2011 05:29



*VENUE*: Musée du Louvre and Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des
  Musées de France (C2RMF), Paris, France
  *DATE*: June 9-12, 2012


  A three-day international symposium will be held at the Musée du Louvre
  and at the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de
  France. We are aiming to bring together a diverse group of specialists
  -- e.g., historians (of technology, art, trade, ideas), conservation
  scientists, curators, and conservator-restorers -- to engage in an
  inter-disciplinary exchange on the development and cross fertilization
  of ideas and technology related to the making of bronzes in France --
  and by French artists abroad -- from the Renaissance to the 19th century.

  For full notice see Arch-metals file area - Forth coming meetings or



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5 octobre 2011 3 05 /10 /octobre /2011 05:27

Session "  Now You See Them, Now You Dont. Biased macro-scale site distribution maps and their influence on interpretations"

Central TAG, the 33th meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group, Birmingham, 14-16 December 2011.

Please find the abstract of this session on the problem of 'archaeological representation on the macro-scale' below.

Paper proposals should be submitted to the session organisers by October 31st 2011.

Abstracts of no more than 200 words should include a title, author’s name, affiliation and contact details, including e-mail.

For any further questions please do not hesitate to contact one of the session organisers.

More information on the Central TAG 2011 conference in general can be found on http://centraltag.wordpress.com/



Iza Romanowska

Centre for the Archaeology of Human Origins

University of Southampton (UK)


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3 septembre 2011 6 03 /09 /septembre /2011 19:04

Historical Metallurgy Society (HMS) Research in Progress 2011
Wednesday the 9th November, 2011
Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield

This meeting is aimed at a wide variety of contributors, from historical and archaeological metallurgists to excavators, historians and economists. If you are working, or have just finished working, on a project related to archaeological or historical metallurgy, we would like to hear from you. We are particularly interested in bringing together contract and public sector archaeologists with academic researchers, and in fostering links between the different disciplines studying metallurgy and related activities.

Whether you are a student, a researcher, an interested non-specialist, or a professional excavator, we invite you to meet others working in this field and present your research to an interested community.


Proposals for 10-15 minute oral papers are welcomed from anyone undertaking work in any area of ancient, historical, or industrial metallurgy, and from other researchers whose focus is of relevance to this subject.


Titles and 300 word abstracts should reach the organisers at hms.rip2011@gmail.com by Monday 26th September.


Registration forms and updated conference details can be found on the conference website (http://hist-met.org/hmsrip2011.html


& http://www.shef.ac.uk/archaeology/conferences/historical.html


). The cost will be £15 for HMS Members and £20 for non-members, and is inclusive of coffee and lunch.

General enquiries and abstracts can be directed to hms.rip2011@gmail.com .

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30 août 2011 2 30 /08 /août /2011 04:42

Phd and Master students of the cultural association Rodopis, with the
support of the Department of Ancient History (Dipartimento di Storia Antica)
of the University of Bologna and in cooperation with the department of
Philosophy, History and Cultural Heritage (Dipartimento di Filosofia, Storia
e Beni Culturali) and the Doctorate School in Humanities (Scuola di
Dottorato in Studi Umanistici) of the University of Trento announce a second
series of postgraduate seminars to take place in October and November 2011
at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna and at the University of

We aim to support interchange among students of different provenance,
interests and age, therefore papers will deal with ancient history,
philology, archaeology, numismatics, papyrology, epigraphy, art history,
religion history, anthropology, sociology, bizantine studies, without any
kind of subject restrictions.

Papers can be presented in english or italian, in order to make the seminars
as accessible as possible to all the attendees.
Phd and Master students are invited to submit a 200-250 words abstract
suggesting also two possible dates in which they would be available.

The first three seminars (13th, 20th, 27th october) will be held in Bologna,
the second three (9th, 16th, 23rd november) in Trento. Every meeting will
consist in two presentations of 30min each, followed by discussion.
Abstracts must be sent in an anonymous .pdf file (file name: first three
words of the title) before 4th September 2011 to viola.gheller@lett.unitn.it

A commission chosen among the association members (excluding the receiver of
the abstract) will select the successful papers, whose authors will be
contacted by the 16th September 2011.
Travel and accomodation expenses will not be covered, but all necessary
informations and logistic support will be provided.

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24 août 2011 3 24 /08 /août /2011 22:58

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Historical Metallurgy Society (HMS) Research in Progress 2011
Wednesday the 9th November, 2011
Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield

This meeting is aimed at a wide variety of contributors, from historical and archaeological metallurgists to excavators, historians and economists. If you are working, or have just finished working, on a project related to archaeological or historical metallurgy, we would like to hear from you. We are particularly interested in bringing together contract and public sector archaeologists with academic researchers, and in fostering links between the different disciplines studying metallurgy and related activities. Whether you are a student, a researcher, an interested non-specialist, or a professional excavator, we invite you to meet others working in this field and present your research to an interested community.

Proposals for 10-15 minute oral papers are welcomed from anyone undertaking work in any area of ancient, historical, or industrial metallurgy, and from other researchers whose focus is of relevance to this subject.

Titles and 300 word abstracts should reach the organisers at hms.rip2011@gmail.com by Monday 26th September.

Registration forms and conference details can be found on the conference website (http://hist-met.org/hmsrip2011.html


). The cost will be £15 for HMS Members and £20 for non-members, and is inclusive of coffee and lunch.

General enquiries and abstracts can be directed to hms.rip2011@gmail.com .

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24 août 2011 3 24 /08 /août /2011 22:33

Call for Papers: "Desire: From Eros to Eroticism" conference at the City University of New York Graduate Center, New York, NY; November 10-11, 2011.

The Department of Comparative Literature at the City University of New York Graduate Center invites graduate students to submit presentation proposals for an interdisciplinary conference at the Graduate Center on November 10-11, 2011.

The concept of desire has been the subject of much examination throughout centuries of literature. From the ancient Greek idea of eros to psychological analysis of the subject through contemporary negotiations of love and desire, the interpretation of desire has evolved, but it has always held a central role in literature and discourse. Desire serves as the motivation for action, and yet the most satisfying desire is often the one that remains unfulfilled. This conference will explore desire as it impels us forward in our pursuit of an end that may ultimately be unattainable.

We invite papers from all disciplines focusing on works from any period that explore desire as it is portrayed in literature, philosophy, theory, art, film, or society.

Students are asked to submit a 300 word abstract for a 15-20 minute paper by September 15, 2011 to desireconference2011@gmail.com

. Proposals should include the title of the paper, presenter's name, institutional and departmental affiliation, and any technology requests. We also welcome panel proposals of three to four papers.

Please see attached CFP for further details.


The 2011 Comparative Literature Conference Committee:
Ashna Ali
Erica Hsieh
Yelizaveta Shapiro
Claire Sommers
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10 août 2011 3 10 /08 /août /2011 06:39

The Classical Association Conference, organized by the University of Exeter, in association with the Classical Association

11th-14th April 2012


In 2012 the annual meeting of the Classical Associa­tion will be hosted by the Department of Classics & Ancient His­tory at the University of Exeter. We welcome proposals for papers (20 minutes long followed by discussion) and co-ordinated panels (comprising either 3 or 4 papers) from graduate students, school teachers, academic staff, and others interested in the ancient world on the topics suggested below, or on any other aspect of the clas­sical world. We are keen to encourage papers from a broad range of perspectives.

Suggested topics
Hellenistic and Roman culture; globalisation and cosmopolitanism; impact of Greek culture; use of language in antiquity; the Black Sea; Galen and ancient medicine; the ancient book/material text; reading in antiquity; modern receptions of ancient erotica and sex; concepts of authenticity and the fake; ancient ideas and their reception; sport, spectacle and festival; gift-giving; food, culture and the environment; politics, religion and ideology.

We also warmly encourage submissions for non-research presentations such as dramatic performances of ancient texts, introductory workshops on technical disciplines such as papyrology and palaeography, spoken Latin conversation sessions, oral reading workshops, etc.

Instructions for Abstracts
Abstracts for papers (no more than 300 words) should include your name, email address and the title of your paper.

Proposals for co-ordinated panels should include an abstract (no more than 300 words) outlining the overall theme of the panel as well as abstracts for the individual papers.

Please send abstracts and any enquiries (preferably by e-mail) not later than 31 August 2011, to: cah-ca2012@ex.ac.uk<mailto:cah-ca2012@ex.ac.uk>

We look forward to welcoming you to Exeter!

----- Einde doorgestuurd bericht -----

Lieve Donnellan

Doctoraatsbursaal - PhD Student
Universiteit Gent - Ghent University
Vakgroep Archeologie - Department of Archaeology
St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 35
9000 Gent
België - Belgium
e-mail: lieve.donnellan@UGent.be
tel.: + 32(0)9 331 01 58 (central)
     + 32 (0) 485 19 44 30

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4 août 2011 4 04 /08 /août /2011 19:19

Apologies for cross posting...


The HMS annual conference for 2011 will provide a forum for discussion on the development
of the steel industry in the UK and continental Europe over the last 50 years. Most of the
programme of the meeting will be held jointly with the Historical Committee of the German
Steel Institute (VDEh).

The background to the steel industry in South Wales will also be a focus, with a session of
contributions dealing with the regional post-18th century development of iron- and steel-
making, particularly rolled products.

The conference will address the themes:

1. The South Wales iron and steel industry, particularly the development of rolled and
engineering products,

2. The development of the steel industry in the UK and Europe post-1960

3. The social history of the iron and steel industry

Offers of 20-30 minute oral presentations are invited on archaeological, economic,
engineering, historical, metallurgical or social aspects of any of the conference themes or on
closely-related issues. Contributions on the 20th century steel industry would be particularly

The conference is non-residential; accommodation advice will be posted on the HMS website


), together with the programme, registration form and updated conference
details. The cost will be £130 for HMS Members (£115 student members), £150 non-
members, and is inclusive of light refreshments, Saturday lunch, and the conference
reception / dinner on Saturday evening.

There is still space for a few more papers and both the abstract and regsitration deadline has
been extended to August 18th. Final numbers for catering will be required at that time.

Enquiries to the organiser: Tim.Young@geoarch.co.uk

Dr Tim Young  MA PhD FSA FGS
Email: Tim.Young@GeoArch.co.uk
Web: www.geoarch.co.uk


Phone: 029 20881431
Mobile: 07802 413704

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